Personal Training Member Rates

One on One Training

1 Session $92
4 Sessions  $320
8 Sessions  $550

Two on One Training

4 Sessions  $260/each
8 Sessions $440/each

Personal Training Non- Member Rates

One on One Training

1 Session $114 4 sessions $408

8 sessions $726 (or $550 plus $159 for a monthly membership pass)

Two on One Training

Pricing available upon request.

All training packages expire
6 months from date of purchase.


Kim Robinson :

As the Director of Fitness, an expert personal trainer and certified Menopause Coach my goal is to help you navigate peri and post menopause so you feel empowered in your body, through exercise, nutrition, and lifestyle. The work we embark on will become a way of life for longevity and quality. In working with me, you will gain an understanding of what is happening throughout your body, how to exercise and fuel so you feel strong and invigorated versus depleted. We will also focus on ways to improve your sleep hygiene which is key to a healthy way of life.

Our work together starts with your goals and where you are currently in your fitness journey. We will build strength, power, agility, speed, balance, resiliency, and confidence all at a pace that matches your current situation and needs.

My focus is working with women ages 35+. Click to learn more.

Laura Nichols :

Laura Nichols is a certified Personal Trainer through the National Academy of Sports Medicine, and a Nutrition and Behavior Change Level 1 and 2 Coach through Precision Nutrition. Her passion for fitness, nutrition, and healthy lifestyle transformation was born out of her own personal journey of achieving and maintaining a 100 pound weight loss. She has a heart for partnering with people to accomplish their health and fitness goals through individualized exercise routines and sustainable nutrition and lifestyle changes. She hopes to combine her real world experience, education, and love for fitness and full body and mind health to help clients achieve long lasting results in a fun and empowering way

Bea Hager :

Certified Personal Trainer through the National Academy of Sports Medicine. A two time Olympian, athletics and fitness have been a lifestyle and passion for Bea since a young age. Bea encourages motivation through progression to achieve fitness goals, sports performance, and injury prevention. Bea enjoys sharing her experience and enthusiasm of training with her clients and aims to see her clients succeed. An active player in regional tennis leagues, Bea also enjoys skiing, windsurfing, mountain biking, and surfing.

Nate Loker :

My journey into health and fitness began with chronic back pain. This experience taught me the importance of applying progressive overload to strength training and mobility training. Increasing strength throughout a full range of motion is instrumental for recovering from injury and improving performance.

I specialize in working with two distinct groups of individuals. Firstly, athletes who want to take their performance to the next level. I combine strength and mobility training with breath training to optimize performance in athletes. Secondly, those recovering from injuries seek guidance and support to regain optimal physical function.

Foundational in my work with all clients is teaching them the significance of proper breathing mechanics and physiology. As an advanced instructor in the Oxygen Advantage Method, I possess the knowledge and expertise to help individuals master their breathing patterns."